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Andrew Cotton Of Linea Pelle Has Tips To Keep You In The Loop When Shopping For A Belt

May 31, 2012




For some, belts happen to be overlooked when tying a look together. If this sounds like you, then come the Fall 2012, you may want to consider singing a whole new tune. There will be a major belt revolution. So, for summer you should consider giving belts a try and be ahead of the hot trends that’s to come. Not sure of where to start? Well, Andrew Cotton, the Creative Director of Linea Pelle has a few tips share for when you’re  shopping for a belt.




What’s the hottest belt in your current collection? 


Oh so many – We have the most gorgeous belts! No one has colors like Linea Pelle Collection! We have embellished belts with signature hardware, buckles and studs or hand lacing or vintage w/studs and vintage stretch. ALSO, belts that are versatile, meaning either a braid or a multiple hole belt, that way you can wear from waist to hip and it’s like having two belts for the price of one! We have an amazing vintage style  that has holes the entire strap & this is killer!




How can you tell when a belt really fits?


Technically when it’s on the middle hole, but it also should be able to move and not constrict you.


What kind of body type is best suited for wide belts?


Women with longer legs and shorter torsos are very successful with wider waist belt styles. But remember there are so many variations of widths for wide belts, that there literally is something for everyone. A waist belt with any contour shape can be magnificent on all body types, but again pay attention to the width. 



What kind of body type is best suited for skinny belts? 


Almost everyone can wear a skinny. If you have a long waist, this could work against you at the waist, however wear the skinny a little more low slung on your hips for a great look which will compliment your body type. Add studs, embellishments and play with color! You can have even more fun & double it up to create a double wrap style!


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